Portfolio Manager
If you are a trader or an investor, keeping track of your asset distribution and value over time is crucial to maintain a healthy portfolio.
Monitor asset value over time or how its distributed across exchanges and assets.

Powerful Portfolio Asset Manager
Keep track of you all your assets from exchanges and cold wallets

All Your Accounts in One Place
If you are a beginner or advanced trader, you can easily combine all your accounts in 1 portfolio and know exactly what the value of your portfolio is.

Manage Your Clients’ Portfolios
If you manage multiple portfolios for different clients, you will need to be able to separate the assets per account quickly.
Using the advanced filtering in the portfolio, you can easily separate the asset data per client. You can also combine multiple exchanges for the same client to get an aggregated overview of the assets across multiple exchanges.

Practice trading with no risk and no time limit!
Altrady's free forever paper trading plan is the perfect way to sharpen your skills and boost your confidence.
After the 14 days free trial, you will have unlimited access to the Free Paper Trading Plan.

Automatically Fetch Data from Exchanges
Connect your API keys, and the system will automatically fetch the data from the exchanges.
The system will check your assets several times per hour or when trade activity is detected. This will get you a real-time overview of your assets.
No more manual export and conversions in Excel are required.

Track Your Progress Over Time
Your portfolio value and asset distribution will change over time. The portfolio manager is equiped with charts to show you the growth over time.
Quickly select the currency you wish to track your total value in or see the value of your top assets in a stacked chart.

30% Off With Our Annual Plan
You can see a complete comparison on our Pricing page.
Paper Trading
Explore all Altrady features available with Paper Trading Account.
Upgrade once you ready to use Altrady with real account.
Test your strategy risk-free.
2 Bots (Signal or Grid Bot)
DCA Bots - unlimited
Futures Bots
Smart Orders
Essential Plan +
25 Bots(Signal or GRID bots)
500 Price Alerts
Quick Scanner(50 rules, 0.1% price change)
Data Export(CSV)