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Published On: Apr 30, 2024
11 min

Mastering Bitcoin Paper Trading: A Secure Path to Crypto Trading Proficiency

With over 219 million global Bitcoin owners, Bitcoin is so far considered the most popular cryptocurrency. If you want to join the growing Bitcoin trading market, you must first try Bitcoin paper trading otherwise your probability of losing all your money is very probable.

Altrady is a prominent platform that offers a 14-day free paper trading trial. It offers incredible opportunities for investors to practice Bitcoin trading with virtual money. 
Mastering Bitcoin Paper Trading

Key Takeaways

  • Bitcoin paper trading is about practicing trading in a simulated environment with the help of virtual coins. You do not lose or earn the actual money when paper trading. 
  • It lets newbies get a feel of the market and experienced traders sharpen their skills, strategies and ideas in a risk-free manner.
  • Altrady is a leading crypto trading platform. It offers incredible features like real-time crypto alerts, trade on multiple exchanges and real-time position PNL that are hard to find together on other platforms. 

Understanding Bitcoin Paper Trading

Bitcoin paper trading acts as a practicing tool for traders of all experience levels. It allows them to trade in an environment that looks like the real market without actually investing their real money. In paper trading, all prices, charts, and conditions closely mirror live trading.

Since Bitcoin has high volatility, the sudden change in its prices can cause significant damage to a new trader’s financial position. But they can prevent this by first gaining experience by trading with a practice/demo account. 

Benefits of Using Altrady for Bitcoin Paper Trading

Altrady is beneficial for investors in so many ways. The following points explain why traders must give this platform a try: 

  • Simulation features that mimic real market conditions.
  • Real-time alerts to stay informed of market changes.
  • Automated trading to manage multiple trades efficiently.
  • Comprehensive analytics to assist in decision-making.
Benefits of Using Altrady for Bitcoin Paper Trading

How Altrady Stands Out from Competitors

Altrady offers traders features that can make trading easier, smoother and more efficient. It provides four paper trading plans. Each plan comes with a 14-day free trial so users can test which plan best suits their requirements.

Some worth mentioning Altrady features that make it stand out from competitors are: 

  • Real-time alerts: Receive instant notifications about the changing market conditions so you can take an important action on time.
  • Automated trading: Simply enter the exit and entry value and leave everything to the system as it helps you conduct multiple trades at a time without stressing out.  
  • Comprehensive analytics: Tools like portfolio manager, scalping scanner, and crypto base scanner help make trading smoother for all. 
  • Trade on multiple exchanges: With Altrady, you do not have to learn how to use and handle different exchanges separately. You can trade in multiple popular markets in one place. 

Getting Started with Bitcoin Paper Trading on Altrady

Altrady website and apps have a clean interface, making it easier for users to explore these platforms. Here is how you can easily start Bitcoin paper trading on Altrady: 

  1. Choose a Bitcoin paper trading plan out of all the four available options. 
  2. Enter your email and password to create an account. 
  3. Go to the trading area and select Bitcoin paper trading. 
  4. Set up your entry or exit settings to get started. 
Getting Started with Bitcoin Paper Trading on Altrady

From Simulation to Real Trading with Altrady

Hone your skills and strategies with Bitcoin paper trading to get familiar with the Altrady platform. Explore its features and see directly how they work during a trade. 

Once you believe you have gained enough experience, knowledge and proficiency on this platform, then shift to real Bitcoin trading to earn real money. Do not let self-doubts stop you from making informed decisions and pursuing your trading goals. 


Gain confidence in your skills and improve your strategies with Altrady Bitcoin paper trading. Now, you do not have to risk your real money in order to learn how trading markets work. 

Simply, get a virtual account having virtual money, and start practicing in a simulated environment with no fear of losing your assets. Enjoy valuable trading features to build your own strategies and see how they behave in the market!

Still hesitating about it? Take advantage of our 14-day free trial and experience the benefits of Bitcoin paper trading for yourself!


Catalin is the co-founder of Altrady. With a background in Marketing, Business Development & Software Development. With more than 15 years of experience working in Startups or large corporations. 
