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Published On: May 3, 2024
10 min

Simple Guide to Paper Trading on Binance and the Best Alternative for Advanced Trading - Altrady

Paper trading can be likened to a practice session before a live performance in trading bitcoins. To be able to apply theoretical knowledge to a virtual market without risking the danger of a real financial loss, traders might simulate transactions there. You can learn the ropes on this practice ground and improve your strategies, gain fresh ideas, and develop the confidence you'll need to take on the real-world cryptocurrency markets.

Through its Testnet, Binance provides a welcoming learning setting where novices can engage in paper trading. This unique feature helps users educate themselves on the nuances of cryptocurrency trading and build a solid, risk-free foundation. As traders become more skilled, they frequently look for systems that can provide deeper data and more complicated features. This is where Altrady enters the picture, providing a feature set that adapts to traders' changing requirements when they're prepared to advance their tactics.

Step-By-Step Guide to Paper Trading on Binance

  • Set Up an Account on Binance: Joining Binance will get you started on your trading path. Enter the necessary information when you visit their website and select "Register." Currently a participant? To get started, just log in!

    how to setup binance your binance account
  • Access the Testnet: Launch the Testnet and explore the realm of simulated trading! Locate "Futures" and choose "Mock Trading" on Binance. Trading without the risks of the actual world is possible in this privileged corner.

how to get to mock trading in binance

  • Starting with Virtual Funds: To start your trading journey, Binance provides you with virtual funds. Use this fictitious money to trade like you're in the major leagues without pressure.

    binance account login
  • Trading Simulation: The good times will shortly start! Explore yourself with different trading combinations and strategies. It resembles a trade playground where you may freely switch between several approaches, You can always switch back to live when you are ready to put your trading skills to testbinance mock trading terminal
  • Evaluation and Learning: After your trading frenzy, stand back. Review your trades to see which turned out well and which didn't. In this virtual sandbox, it all comes down to fine-tuning and refining your strategy.

Transitioning to Altrady for a More Professional Trading Experience

As you're prepared to advance from the fundamentals of paper trading on sites such as Binance, Altrady beckons as the next logical step in your trading career. What Makes Altrady Worth Considering? It is easy to understand. Altrady was created with serious traders in mind. This platform serves traders who want to get more experienced and interact with the markets more professionally.

Comparison of Features Between Binance and Altrady

Virtual Funds for Trading$10,000 in virtual funds availableCustomizable virtual funds 
Trading SimulationBasic simulation environmentAdvanced simulation with real-
time data
User InterfaceUser-friendly, ideal for beginnersHighly customizable, suited for 
advanced users
Charting ToolsBasic charting toolsExtensive charting options with
in-depth analysis capabilities
Educational ResourcesLimited educational supportComprehensive educational
resources and tools
Real-time Data AnalysisBasicExtensive real-time data and market
SecurityStandard security measuresAdvanced security features, 
including encrypted API storage
CustomizationLimited customization optionsHigh degree of customization for 
trading strategies

Altrady is distinctive in that it provides a full range of updated tools. Real-time data analysis keeps you aware of the market's pulse, making accurate choices possible. Extensive charting choices let you see potential changes as they tell the story of market trends. Your command center is the flexible trading dashboard; configure it according to your trading style and observe how it changes your trade.

Taking the appropriate steps can ensure a smooth transition from Binance's testnet to Altrady's real market environment. To start with, Altrady's educational tools should be used to familiarize oneself with the interface. Next, try using small transactions on Altrady's platform to replicate your Binance testnet tactics. As you start to feel more at ease, gradually increase your exposure. It is important to learn and adapt quickly.

At its core, Altrady is a growth platform rather than merely a trading instrument. You develop your strategies there, refine your sense of humor, and learn to appreciate the intricate workings of the trading business. With Altrady, you're developing as a trader, not just trading. Go ahead and let Altrady be your trading wingman by taking the plunge.


Paper trading is crucial for beginners to learn trading without financial risk, using platforms like Binance. As traders grow, they may need advanced tools offered by platforms like Altrady, which provide a professional trading environment.

Trading is a continuous learning process, especially in the ever-changing crypto market. Beginners can start with Binance’s paper trading and then move to Altrady for more complex trading. Remember, all experts started as novices. Start your trading journey on Binance, and when you're ready, switch to Altrady to reach higher levels.


Catalin is the co-founder of Altrady. With a background in Marketing, Business Development & Software Development. With more than 15 years of experience working in Startups or large corporations. 
